To lose weight and lose fat you have to eat their fill, never resist hunger. It should also eat slowly. It should not necessarily eat less ...
To lose weight and lose fat you have to eat their fill, never resist hunger. It should also eat slowly. It should not necessarily eat less to lose weight but you have to eat otherwise. Some foods such as apple are thus preferred over sweets during an anti-diet weight.
What to eat to lose weight?
Certainly we must eat less certain foods, especially products to sweet taste; these can be replaced by fruit. What fruit to eat to lose weight? The apple for example has satiating virtues thanks to fibers that are found in its skin. The green tea also helps eliminate fat through the caffeine it contains and thus acts on the metabolism by increasing energy expenditure as the guarana due to its caffeine slower diffusion than coffee. We still ensure his drink green tea away from main meals to prevent iron deficiency anemia. The Spirulina is also considered an appetite suppressant because it is part of the high nutrient density foods .
How to eat to lose weight
5 tips for food to eat
1. Eating slowly because one feels a sense of satiety and pleasure to savor the food, it is thus, ultimately, more quickly satisfied if the meal had been swallowed too quickly.
2. Eat in smaller meals,
3. Have the meal on the table,
4. Turn off the TV while eating,
5. Escape any form of high-protein diet over the long term unless you want to start all over with a little fat bonus bonus
How to eat to lose weight belly?
I teach fitness and zumba together, I give about 2 hours per week and despite that I have a little belly . My problem may lie in the fact that I do not know how to eat in view of my schedule placed especially at night.
I suggest you above all to contact a nutritionist officially authorized to slim belly effectively and permanently. Personal advice I can give you are.
The transverse muscles
To flatten the stomach book a time in the day or late in the group session to beef up the cross . It can also be a quiet time back at the end of your course will appeal to students. If you also want to strengthen the abdominal apparent, but it is not absolutely useful, consider contracting the transverse together and blow completely during exercise; it is essential for the health of the pelvic floor and to avoid diastase , a gap big abdominal rights at the white line. The expiration breath should look like the end product that is when we want to make mist on a window. It is a deep breath from the belly and pushed back the navel and the close of the lumbar vertebrae.
Regulate and facilitate intestinal transit
Against the bloated stomach and constipation drink prune juice and eat fiber. Dried figs are ideal for this and it's great! I take 1 or 2 a day between meals and coffee ;-)
Remove sugars
Without a strict diet must remove anything that tastes sweet. Apart from the sugar of other sweet products are useless fruit. We must even consider them as poisons. See page less sweet Eating for instructions.
Booster breakfast
Other tips to lose weight by sport
Eat to lose weightTo lose weight and burn calories sports abound! Skipping rope , rowing , water aerobics, aerobics etc ... You choose to burn the extra calories!